Friday, March 4, 2011

Springerlink added to the Library databases

The library now subscribes to Springerlink database. This is fulltext multidisciplinary database with a strong emphasis on Science.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Operating hours

Weekdays : 09h00-16h45
after hours: no service (until further notice)
Saturdays: no service (until further notice)
Holidays: no service (until further notice)

The library subscribes to Questionpoint, an electronic reference service which can be accessed 24/7 from off-campus and during all opening hours of the library. A user can log in a query and it will be answered within 24 hours.


UNIVEN reference services are available for the benefit of staff, students, and other outside researchers. There are currently 6 staff members servicing the section; two of whom are in the Special Collections section. The section offers the following services: answering reference related queries, information searches, training on how to use the different types of reference materials as well as on how to conduct searches on the electronic databases and the Library catalogue.